SystmOne courses
Audience: | All staff |
Delivery method: | Video |
Duration: | 13 minutes |
This course is suitable for all non-clinical staff who are new to SystmOne. It provides a basic introduction to the SystmOne clinical system. It must be completed before attending any other SystmOne courses.
Audience: | Admin/Reception |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 1.5 hours |
This course provides an overview of appointment and reception related tasks.
Audience: | Admin/Reception |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 14 minutes |
This course provides an overview of patient registration and search actvities.
Audience: | Admin Staff who generate recall/Referral letters for Patients/Services. Clinical Staff who will add recalls & generate Recall/Referral letters. Any staff responsible for scanning and processing of documents. |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 1 hour |
This course covers processing referrals and recalls as well as general processing of patient documents.
Audience: | Clinical Staff |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 1.5 hours |
This course provides an overview of navigating the system, patient record, performing consultations and communication tools within SystmOne.
Audience: | Clinical Staff |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 1 hour |
This course provides an overview of medication/prescribing, clinical tools and templates, pathology and processing documents.
Audience: | Clinical Staff |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 1.5 hours |
This course provides an overview of the reporting functionalities within SystmOne, including creating reports and breaking down results. Batch reporting and bulk operations.
Audience: | Admin |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 10 minutes |
This course provides an overview of prescribing views, repeat templates, printing prescriptions from an Admin role perspective.
Audience: | Staff who are responsible for creating and maintaining clinical templates and forms |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 3 hours |
This course provides an overview of creating and maintaining clinical templates, SystmOne views and organisational groups.
Audience: | Staff who create and generate practice reports and wish to optimise day to day working time with Protocols |
Delivery method: | Video |
Duration: | 7 minutes |
This course provides an overview of creating and using patient status alerts.
Audience: | Staff who are responsible for appointment rota administration. |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 1.5 hours |
This course provides an overview of the setup and configuration of appointments and rotas
Audience: | Senior Admin |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 3 hours |
This course provides an overview of the setup and configuration of a SystmOne unit.
Audience: | Staff who are creating referral/ recall/ report letters and any general letter templates |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 3 hours |
This course provides an overview of all aspects of letter templates including creating and editing letter templates, managing subject access requests, generating insurance letters and printing letters in bulk.
Audience: | Staff who are responsible for the clinical coding of incoming communications and Summarising of new patient paper records onto the clinical system. |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 1 hour |
This course provides an overview of summarising and coding activities.
Audience: | Staff who process patient deductions and registrations. |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 30 minutes |
This course provides an overview of Electronic Data Interface (EDI) Links
Audience: | Staff that configure/use Mobile working. |
Delivery method: | Microsoft Teams |
Duration: | 3 hours |
This course provides an overview of the SystmOne Mobile Working system
Audience: | All staff |
Delivery method: | Video |
Duration: | 6 minutes |
This video explains what GPAD is, why it's important and how to correctly configure GP appointment slot types to comply with national GP appointment data extraction.